Apr 21

Mah Jongg (April 21 - May 19 ): Mornings

Wendy Mixon

Learn the basic rules and skills of Mah Jongg - a fascinating rummy-like game, combining skill and luck and played with tiles rather than cards. In this class you will learn the American version of Mah Jongg. It uses a card of standard hands, which is published by the national Mah Jongg League in NYC and changes every year. The card tells exactly what combination of tiles is needed to win. The Mah Jongg set will be provided, but each student will need to purchase a Mah Jongg card (available for $14 at nationalmahjonggleague.org/store).

*This is a limited enrollment class.

Mondays | 5 weeks | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
April 21
April 28
May 5
May 12
May 19

In person



Class Tuition

8 in stock

Price is per student. Class tuition is non-refundable.