Apr 17

The American Presidency

Chase Untermeyer

In the West Wing of the White House during two national administrations, Chase Untermeyer had a close view and obtained a keen understanding of how the American presidency works. Described in only 320 words in the US Constitution, the position has grown in importance and scope under various strong occupants: Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, both Roosevelts, and Wilson, right down to Donald Trump. This course will examine both the constitutional and historical evolution of the presidency and its role in American government, particularly with regard to the Congress. The course will cover three themes: (1) What the Constitution says a president does and how the president performs four distinct roles — those of head of state, head of government, head of nation, and head of party; (2) How the presidency has evolved under various strong occupants of the Oval Office since 1789; and (3) The specific power the president has as commander-in-chief and how Donald Trump may try to use this power to carry out the promises he made to the American people in the last election campaign. Can, in fact, he do this?

Thursdays | 3 weeks: April 17, April 24, & May 1 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM



Class Tuition

60 in stock

Price is per student. Class tuition is non-refundable.