Enlighten and inspire
generations to come.

Your support helps us invest in quality lifelong learning opportunities.

Legacy for the Future Fund

Serving over 2,000 men and women annually, WIH not only offers continuing education in Houston, it also provides a social, engaging environment for students of all backgrounds.
As a 501(c)(3) educational organization, we are self-sustaining and not-for-profit.
Because we receive no local, state or federal funding, we both need and appreciate your donations for quality lifelong learning opportunities and continuing education experiences.
Your fully tax-deductible gift to our Legacy for the Future Fund will ensure that WIH can continue to inform, enlighten, and inspire Houstonians for years to come.

Honorary and Memorial Gifts

Any donation may be made in honor of or in memory of family members, friends, and faculty members.


Do you have a favorite subject or professor and are interested in underwriting a class? Your charitable contribution would help WIH continue to provide top notch professors and engaging learning experiences to our students.

Matching Gifts

Employers frequently match their employees' contributions, doubling or sometimes tripling personal donations. This is a great way to capture an additional gift!