Jan 08

Mapping America (Prerecorded Four-Part Video Series)

Barry Greenlaw

The History of America can be presented in a number of ways. Through the written word, through documents, or through pictorial means (paintings, engravings, photographs). To Barry Greenlaw's mind one of the best ways to see the development of this country – both physically and historically – is through the study of period maps.

From the Vikings and Christopher Columbus to George Washington and Stephen F. Austin, maps were critical to discovering new lands, new countries and new states. In this four-part series, we will look at the development of America (after 1776 the United States) from Columbus until today, through the “eyes” of hundreds of historical maps, many of them works of art as well as science. Produced by the great cartographers of the world – the maps themselves draw on information supplied by noted travelers and explorers.

How do I access the video I purchased from the WIH Video Library?
• Log into your WIH account.
• Click on “Hello (name)” in the top right corner of your screen.
• Choose “My Courses.”
• Click on the course title. A new window will open that says “Course Content” with the class title underneath.
• Click on the title once more to open the video window.
• Press the play button in the middle and enjoy!



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